
Total supply: 100 000 000 SWORD

Network: Binance Smart Chain

Token distribution

14.25% of all tokens are allocated for initial liquidity on PancakeSwap pair

15.75% of all tokens are allocated for launchpad on pinksale.finance

1% of all tokens are allocated for airdrop for LastLand players

69% of all tokens are allocated for staking rewards

SWORD is a community driven token. ForgeFi team doesn`t own any tokens

Total supply of token is limited, no more tokens will be minted in future

Buy&Sell Tax

Total Tax: 10% (5% Buy and 5% Sell)

Portion of these fees contributes to marketing efforts, supports the BigTime ecosystem, enhances the LastLand Play-to-Earn game, and funds competitions and airdrops for our loyal holders in the future.

Steady Growth

1% of currently locked tokens in the Pancake pair will be transferred to the Sword protocol daily for staking rewards. This daily adjustment reduces the number of tokens in the Pancake pair, gradually increasing the token's price without any trader actions. It's an automated mechanism ensuring the value of SWORD rises organically over time.

Last updated